Réponse apportée le 02/21/2013 par PARIS Bpi – Actualité, Art moderne, Art contemporain, Presse
Très peu d’élément sur cette oeuvre la seule référence trouvée vient de la base : Art full text, base de données généraliste en art. Abonnement souscrit par la Bpi http://search.ebscohost.com
Article dans la Gazette des Beaux-Arts; February 1972, p.27
Titre : Grand cadre (1970).
Auteurs : Siegenthaler, Albert, 1938-ca. 1983
Müller-Brittnau, Willy, 1938-.
Type de document : Art Reproduction.
Artist & Work : Müller-Brittnau, Willy
Siegenthaler, Albert.
Numéro d’accès : 513405289.
Base de données : Art Index Retrospective (H.W. Wilson).
J’y ajoute la notice sur Albert Siegenthaler extraite du dictionnaire Benezit sur la base Oxford art online.
Abonnement souscrit par la Bpi http://www.groveart.com
Swiss, 20th century, male.
Born 1938, in Endingen; died 1984.
Installation artist.
Albert Siegenthaler was apprenticed to a stonemason before enrolling at the Kunstgewerbeschule (college of arts and crafts) in Zurich and going on to study at the Beaux-Arts in Paris and London’s Royal College of Art. He lived and worked in Stilli.
Beginning in 1964 or thereabouts, Siegenthaler worked primarily with sheets of coloured steel, which he cut, shaped and assembled. His compositions are subject to a number of basic principles, not least that each curvilinear or orthogonal sheet is ‘penetrable’. His principal concern was with the juxtaposition of positive and negative elements, interiors and exteriors, solids and vacuums. He exhibited his work in such a way as to bring out the contrast between curved and orthogonal lines and to impart a dynamism as a result of the ‘interpenetrability’ of the components used. This dynamism is given added value by the use of contrasting interior/exterior/sectional colours. In 1971, Siegenthaler embarked on a series of small sculptures based on these selfsame principles but adapted to a more intimiste format, as opposed to the powerful dynamic that characterises the majority of his earlier work.
Museum and Gallery Holdings
Aarau (Aargauer Kunsthaus): Form Entering (1962); Form Expelled (1962, marble)
Bibliography Kneubühler, Theo: Kunst: 28 Schweizer, exhibition catalogue, Gal. Raeber, Lucerne, 1972. SIEGENTHALER, Albert
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